Wednesday, February 27, 2008


BEC becomes a liberating way of life and mission in a parish when there is pastoral framework with a clear vision and pastoral thrust as direction and orientation, empowering pastoral program as way of implementation, emerging lay leadership from the grassroots, equal treatment in all the sacramental celebration, self-reliant financial system, sustaining participatory system and structure, alternative and liberating livelihood, and animating role of the parish priest with the supportive role of the assistant priest.;

1. CLEAR VISION AN MISSION: Vision of the Kingdom of God as fullness of life and mission to stand for justice that liberates oppressive system

2. PASTORAL THRUST: BEC, community of families in the PUROK, following Jesus in the liberating mission of the Kingdom,

3. EMPOWERING PASTORAL PROGRAM: Facilitating community worship and celebrations centered on the Word, experience of God’s presence, leading to commitment to mission of the Kingdom. Facilitating raising of awareness on issues, structural analysis, promotion of gospel alternative way of life. Facilitating community needs analysis, planning for action in a participatory way.

4. EMERGING PASTORAL LEADERSHIP: Emerging couple leaders from the communities with healthy dissatisfaction of the oppressive status quo, to serve as animating and facilitating participation of BEC in the liberating Kingdom-mission.

5. PARISH ANIMATORS TEAM (PAT): facilitating role in the implementation of the pastoral program

6. FINANCIAL SYSTEM: setting up self-reliant and liberating financial system family based participation supporting the pastoral program in the BEC and parish.

7. EQUAL SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS: consistent equal treatment and simplicity in all the sacramental celebrations in the parish.

8. SUSTAINING PARTICIPATORY SYSTEM AND STURCTURE: participatory way of decision making processes in the BEC, clustering of Barangays for mobility, and regular assembly of leaders in the parish for continuing raising of awareness and solidarity in mission.

9. LIBERATING ALTERNATIVE LIVELIHOOD: creating alternative livelihood liberating families from oppressive system.

10. ANIMATING ROLE OF THE PARISH PRIEST: focused leadership of the parish priest, animating participation and co-responsibility in transformative mission, and firm in justice and liberation stance of the radical Gospel.

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