Thursday, April 10, 2008


1. ADAL GIMONG MANGWAYAWAYA, continuing regular formation sessions of the communty facilitated by the couple Langen Agassawa in their own Purok.

a. Ojbectives: to facilitate paradigm shift and formation of consciousness, to discover and analyze situations as basis for community transformative action

b. Process:

1) Session begins with life situation. An analysis of presented particular life situation mirrors the community’s own life situation.

2) Word of God is presented as word of life. It presents a liberating perspective on life. It challenges and leads the community to transforming action.

3) Action for Life is the concrete response of the community to the Word of God transforming their own particular life situation. Specific planning is done by the community to implement desired action.


1. SANAY LANGEN AGASSAWA: Training of couples from the Purok to serve a facilitators in the purok

a. Objectives: to initiate couples into community leadership service, to facilitate couple relationship growth as basis for community leadership

b. Process:

1)Introduction: Community singing to prepare the couples for participation. Couple introducing themselves to their fellow participants. Present the objectives and process of the training.

2)Divide the couples into small group sharing with PAT or trained couples as facilitators

3)Celebration of Renewal of Marriage Vows as a community

4)Present the tasks of Langen Agassawa in the Purok

c. Tasks of Couples in the Purok:

1) Facilitate regular Tongtongan Adal Gimong

2) Facilitate youth and children formation activities in the Purok

3) Facilitate community activities and mobilizations

4) Coordinate ministries in the Purok


3. KASASAAD PASTORAL TI PAROKIA, making a document on the pastoral situation of the parish based on the results of the Tongtongan Pastoral iti Barangay and the Sarungkar Pagtaengan

a. Objectives: To make a profile of the pastoral situation of the parish as context of pastoral program. To raise the awareness of people on concrete challenge of the Kingdom-mission

b. Process:

(1)Collate the pastoral survey results in concrete descriptions and statistics

(2)Interpret the collated data and make a draft document

(3)Validate the draft with the parish team

(4)Publish the document for people to own their situation as starting point of change

2.TONGTONGAN PASTORAL ITI BARANGAY: Gathering families from the Purok for pastoral orientation

a. Objectives: to share life situation of families in the barangay, to discover vision as basis and direction of life, to learn principles of transforming life, and to learn Tongtongan Gimong as way of participation in the transformation of life

b. Process:

(1) Welcome the participants according to Purok. Introduce the Parish Team.

(2) Share the objectives and process of the Tongtongan Pastoral

(3) Group Workshops by Purok with PAT as facilitators

(4) Dialogue in Plenum

(5)Recap and Invitation to participate in the follow up activities. Ask each purok to send two to three couples for the training on LANGEN AGASSAWA to serve as facilitators for Purok regular gatherings